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Category: Information Technology
Forum Name: Thủ thuật, mẹo vặt
Forum Description: Các thủ thuật trong tin học
Printed Date: 08 May 2024 at 22:27
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 12.03 -

Posted By: DBF
Date Posted: 10 May 2008 at 11:35

 Windows Server 2003


? Giao di?n d? h? a: d�y l� h�nh th?c qu?n tr? don gi?n nh?t, ph� h?p v?i c�c h? th?ng m?ng don gi?n ch? c� kho?ng m?t hay hai m�y ch? m?c d� tr�n l� thuy?t m� h�nh n�y c� th? th�ch h?p v?i c�c h? th?ng m?ng c� d?n 25 m�y ch? .

? �i?u khi?n d�ng l?nh: thao t�c n�y d?c bi?t c?n thi?t khi b?n th?c thi m?t thao t�c tr�n m?t lo?t c�c m�y ch? , Windows Server 2003 (WS03) cung c?p cho b?n d?n hon 60 c�ng c? th?c thi d�ng l?nh m?i. L?i �ch c?a h�nh th?c ti?p c?n l� vi?c ch�n c�c d�ng l?nh v�o c�c t?p tin d�ng l?nh nhu BAT hay CMD d? ch?y t? d? ng.

? S? d?ng c�c script: h�nh th?c n�y ph� h?p cho c�c h? th?ng m?ng l�n d?n h�ng tram m�y ch? , vi?t script d? th?c hi?n m?t c�ng vi?c c? th? l� chuy?n ho�n to�n kh�ng d? d�ng, b?n n�n gh� qua com/technet/scriptcenter/ default.mspx d? t�m ki?m script ph� h?p.

Gi?i thi?u

Ng�y tru?c, khi m� h? th?ng m?ng ch? y?u ch? c� c�c m�y mainframe v� minicomputer th� ngu?i th?c hi?n v� qu?n tr? h? th?ng lu�n l�n l?ch cho m?i c�ng vi?c c?n du?c th?c hi?n v� khi ho�n t?t c�ng vi?c d?u c� ghi nh?n l?i (ai, khi n�o, ? d�u...). Nhung ng�y nay h? th?ng m?ng m�y t�nh l?i l� t?p h?p gi?a h�ng lo?t c�c m�y ch? v� m�y tr?m, c�ng vi?c qu?n tr? h? th?ng d� tr? n�n ph?c t?p hon qu� kh? g?p nhi?u l?n, c�c c�ng vi?c c?n d?n m?ng m�y t�nh cung nhi?u hon b?t c? th?i di?m n�o trong qu� kh? . Tuy nhi�n, khi chuy?n t? h�nh th?c m?ng t?p trung c? di?n sang h�nh th?c m?ng ph�n t�n hi?n d?i th� ngu?i qu?n tr? m?ng h?u h?t d?u m?t di nhi?u th�i quen d�ng qu� l� l?p l?ch cho c�ng t�c qu?n tr? m?ng cung nhu th?c thi nh?ng thao t�c co b?n nh?t cho c�ng t�c qu?n tr?.

Nhu m?t l? r?t t? nhi�n, c�c m�y ch? du?c thi?t k? d? ph?c v? cho m?t lu?ng l?n ngu?i d�ng trong nh?ng c�ng vi?c thu?ng xuy�n. Kh�ng c?n bi?t h? th?ng c� b?n ngu?i d�ng hay 4 ng�n ngu?i d�ng, nhi?m v? c?a ngu?i qu?n tr? h? th?ng l� d?m b?o cho h? th?ng lu�n v?n h�nh su�n s? , b?o m?t, hon th? n?a l� kh? nang d�p ?ng c�c y�u c?u cho hi?n t?i v� tuong lai. M?c d� ph?n l?n c�c m�y ch? trong h? th?ng m?ng c?a b?n s? d�ng nh?ng vai tr� kh�c nhau nhung r� r�ng l� c� nh?ng thao t�c qu?n tr? c?n thi?t cho t?t c?.

Chuy�n d? k? n�y s? gi?i thi?u d?n v?i c�c b?n m?t v�i thao t�c ? m?c r?t co b?n (cho WS03) nhung c?n thi?t, m?t s? trong ch�ng c?n th?c hi?n h�ng ng�y, m?t s? l� h�ng tu?n, m?t s? l� h�ng th�ng nhung cung c� nh?ng thao t�c ch? du?c th?c hi?n v�o m?t d?p d?c bi?t n�o d� .



Windows Server 2003 c� t�ch h?p s?n m?t tr�nh thu?t si gi�p b?n d? d�ng c�i d?t cung nhu c?u h�nh m?t DNS (Domain Name Server hay Domain Name System) gi�p gi?m du?c h�ng lo?t thao t�c ph?c t?p. N?u b?n c� m?t m�y ch? m?i v� mu?n t?o m?t mi?n m?i:

1. T? menu Start > Run > g� v�o DCPROMO v� nh?n Enter d? ch?y tr�nh thu?t si Active Directory Installation Wizard, t?i bu?c gi?i thi?u nh?n Next.

2. T?i bu?c c?nh b�o nh?ng h? di?u h�nh kh�ng tuong th�ch, b?n cung nh?n Next d? b? qua. (H.1)

3. T?i bu?c x�c nh?n t?o m?i mi?n hay b? sung m?t domain controller (DC) cho m?t mi?n s?n c� th� ch?n t�y ch?n t?o m?i v� nh?n Next d? sang bu?c k? ti?p. (H.2)

4. T?i bu?c Create New Domain, b?n c� 3 t�y ch?n: t?o m?i m?t mi?n (mi?n d?u ti�n), t?o m?t mi?n con trong m?t mi?n c� s?n, v� t?o m?t mi?n d?c l?p v?i c�c mi?n d� c� . Ch?n t�y ch?n d?u ti�n (t?o m?i ho�n to�n) v� nh?n Next. (H.3)

5. T?i bu?c n�y, b?n s? du?c y�u c?u nh?p m?t t�n mi?n, y�u c?u ch?n t�n mi?n kh�ng tr�ng v?i c�c t�n mi?n d� c� tr�n h? th?ng m?ng > nh?n Next. (H.4)

6. Nh?p ti?p t�n mi?n NetBIOS (d? d?m b?o tuong th�ch v?i c�c m�y ch? hay m�y kh�ch cu ), n�n d? m?c d?nh v� nh?n Next. (H.5)

7. T?i bu?c n�y tr�nh thu?t si y�u c?u b?n ch?n noi luu tr? co s? d? li?u c�ng c�c t?p tin theo d�i (log file) c?a Active Directory (hi?u don gi?n l� m?t c�y thu m?c m� g?c c?a n� l� t�n mi?n m� b?n v?a t?o - chi ti?t v? Active Directory s? du?c d? c?p trong b�i kh� c). B?n n�n d? nguy�n m?c d?nh v� nh?n Next. (H.6)

8. Bu?c n�y y�u c?u b?n ch? d?nh noi l� SYSVOL, b?n cung n�n d? nguy�n m?c d?nh v� nh?n Next. (H.7)

9. N?u bu?c n�y l� m?t th�ng b�o l?i kh�ng x�c d?nh du?c t�n v� d?a ch? c?a m�y ch? DNS th� b?n ch?n t�y ch?n th? 2 d? tr�nh thu?t si c�i v� c?u h�nh m�y ch? DNS t?i m�y dang thao t�c, nh?n Next d? sang bu?c ti?p theo. N?u kh�ng c� th�ng b�o l?i, b?n s? du?c dua th?ng t? bu?c 8 qua bu?c 10. (H.8)

10. Thi?t l?p c�c quy?n h?n m?c d?nh cho c�c d?i tu?ng ngu?i d�ng v� nh�m, b?n c� 2 t�y ch? n: tuong th�ch v?i c�c Windows Server tru?c b?n 2000, ho?c tuong th�ch v?i Windows 2000 Server hay WS03. T�y theo h? th?ng m?ng hi?n t?i c?a b?n m� c� ch?n l?a th�ch h?p, trong d?i da s? tru?ng h?p th� ch?n l?a th? 2 l� ch�nh x�c. Nh?n Next d? sang bu?c k? ti?p. (H.9)

11. Thi?t l?p m?t kh?u d�ng trong ch? d? ph?c h?i c�c d?ch v? thu m?c (Directory Services Restore Mode), tuy s? d?ng t�n t�i kho?n l� Administrator nhung t�i kho?n n�y kh�ng tr�ng v?i t�i kho?n qu?n tr? m?c d?nh, n?u b?n thi?t l?p m?t m?t kh?u kh�c v?i m?t kh?u qu?n tr?, b?n c?n ph?i nh? c? 2. Nh?n Next d? sang bu?c k? ti?p. (H.10)

12. M?t b?ng t�m t?t c�c th�ng s? co b?n s? du?c dua ra d? b?n ki?m tra l?i l?n cu?i. N?u c� g� sai s�t, b?n nh?n n�t Back d? tr? l?i c�c bu?c tru?c, c�n kh�ng th� nh?n Next d? b?t d?u qu� tr�nh t?o mi?n cung nhu c�c t�i nguy�n li�n quan. (H.11)

13. Qu� tr�nh c?u h�nh n�y di?n ra kh� l�u v� c� th? b?n s? du?c y�u c?u b? dia c�i d?t Windows Server 2003 d? b? sung m?t s? th�nh ph?n. Khi qu� tr�nh k?t th�c s? c� m?t h?p tho?i hi?n ra y�u c?u b?n kh?i d?ng l?i m�y d? qu� tr�nh c� hi?u l?c.

V.K (t?ng h?p)


C�c thao t�c qu?n tr? h? th?ng du?c th?c thi th�ng qua c�i g?i l� MMC trong WS03. Ph?n l?n c�c c�ng c? h?u �ch nh?t c?a MMC n?m trong Computer Management (Control Panel > Administrative Tools), b?n c� th? truy c?p nhanh d?n Computer Management (CM) b?ng c�ch nh?n ph?i chu?t l�n bi?u tu?ng My Computer v� ch?n Manage.

Tuy nhi�n, CM kh�ng ch?a d?y d? c�c c�ng c? c?n thi?t, do d� b?n c?n b? sung th�m c�c t�nh nang qu?n tr? kh�c v�o CM nhu:

� .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration
� C? 3 c�ng c? Active Directory
� Authorization Manager
� Certification Authority (c?n ch? d?nh m�y ch? d? qu?n l� )
� Component Services
� Distributed File System
� Group Policy Management
� Performance Logs and Alerts
� Remote Desktops
� Resultant Set of Policy
� Security Configuration and Analysis
� Security Templates
� Wireless Monitor

�? th?c hi?n, t? menu Start > Run > g� v�o d�ng mmc /a %SystemRoot%\ System32\compmgmt.msc > va nh�n Enter d? g?i CM l�n trong ch? d? hi?u ch?nh (n?u b?n g?i CM t? Administrative Tools th� b?n ch? c� th? thao t�c v?i c�c ch?c nang tr�n d� nhung kh�ng th? b? sung th�m c�c th�nh ph?n kh�c).

Luu � : Chu?i %SystemRoot% d�ng d? thay cho thu m?c ch?a h? di?u h�nh Windows (C:\Windows ch?ng h?n), v� b?n c� th? g� ch? hoa hay thu?ng t�y th�ch. B?n n�n l�m quen v?i c�c bi?n m�i tru?ng d? kh�ng b? ph? thu?c v�o t?ng h? th?ng c? th? khi thao t�c. CM v?i ch? d? hi?u ch?nh th� c�c menu s? c� th�m m?t s? m?c m?i, d?c bi?t l� ? menu File.

B?n luu l?i CM ? m?t noi n�o d� thu?n ti?n cho vi?c thao t�c sau n�y (C:\Tool- Kit ch?ng han) bang cach chon Save as tu menu File c?a CM.

K? d?n b?n b?t d?u ti?n h�nh b? sung t�nh nang cho CM b?ng c�ch ch?n Add/Remove Snap-in t? menu File c?a CM. T?i h?p tho?i Add/Remove Snapin, b?n c?n b?o d?m m�nh dang d?nh v? t?i th? Standalone v� m?c Computer Management (Local) du?c ch?n trong h?p nh? n-th? Snap-ins added to.

B?n nh?n n�t Add... d? m? h?p tho?i Add Standalone Snap-in v� ch?n c�c m?c nhu t�i g?i � ph?n tr�n c?a b�i hay th�m v�o c�c m?c b?t k? ph� h?p v?i c�c b?n, b?n ch?n t?ng m?c v� nh?n Add d? th�m v�o danh s�ch, sau khi th�m d?y d? c�c m?c th� b?n nh?n Close d? d�ng h?p tho?i n�y l?i.

Nh?n OK d? tr? v? m�n h�nh CM, b?n s? th?y t?t c? c�c c�ng c? c?n thi?t cho c�ng vi?c c?a b?n d?u d� du?c th�m v�o, t? menu File nh?n Save d? luu l?i c�ng vi?c.

N.A (t?ng h?p)


C�c thao t�c tr�n m�y ch? thu?ng y�u c?u quy?n tr? d� th?c hi?n. �ang nh?p h? th?ng v?i quy?n qu?n tr? c� m?t t?m ?nh hu?ng r?t l?n d?n h? th?ng, b?i v� n� s? cho ph�p b?n di?u khi?n ho�n to�n m?t m�y t?i m?c m�y c?c b? , m?t mi?n (domain) ? m?c mi?n v� m?t r?ng (forest �t?p h?p c?a nhi?u c�y Active Directory trong Windows Server) t?i m?c to�n h? th?ng (enterprise).

V?i l? d�, khi m?t t�c nh�n g�y h?i nhu virus hay ngu?i c� �c � t�c d?ng l�n h? th?ng v?i quy?n qu?n tr? s? g�y ra nhi?u t�c h?i kh� lu?ng hon l� khi ch�ng x�m nh?p v?i quy?n ngu?i d�ng (user). Ch�nh v� th?, Run as (m?t t�nh nang cho ph�p ngu?i qu?n tr? ch? dang nh?p h? th?ng v?i quy?n ngu?i d�ng d? l�m c�c c�ng vi?c th�ng thu?ng v� s? d?ng quy?n qu?n tr? v?i c�ng c? /ch?c nang du?c ch? d?nh) tr? n�n r?t quan tr?ng.

T�nh nang Run as ch? c� t�c d?ng tr�n c�c shortcut v� c�ch s? d?ng r?t don gi? n: nh?n ph?i chu?t l�n shortcut d� v� ch?n m?c Run as, n?u m?c Run as kh�ng xu?t hi?n, b?n d� th�m ph�m Shift khi nh?n l�n shortcut d� .

H?p tho?i Run as hi?n ra s? cho b?n 2 t�y ch?n: ho?c l� ch?y shortcut n�y v?i quy?n c?a ngu?i d�ng hi?n t?i, ho?c ch?y v?i quy?n ngu?i d�ng ch? d?nh. N?u shortcut n�y c?n quy?n qu?n tr? d? ch?y, b?n don gi?n ch?n t�y ch?n th? 2 v� nh?p t�i kho?n qu?n tr? c?a b?n.

T? d�y th? thu?t l� b?n d?i t�i kho?n qu?n tr? th�nh m?t t�n n�o d� �t b? nghi ng? v� m?t m?t kh?u tuong ?ng (n�n c� d? d�i kho?ng 10 d?n 15 k� t? v� c� � nghia ng?u nhi�n). �? kh�ng ph?i nh? t�i kho?n qu?n tr? tuong d?i ph?c t?p n�y b?n c� th? d�ng m?t th? th�ng minh (smart card - m?t th? c� k�ch thu?c c? t? ch?ng minh nh�n d�n, c� ch?a m?t b? x? l� don gi?n v� m?t b? nh? nh? d? luu c�c t�i kho?n dang nh?p) d? qu?n l� c�c t�i kho?n dang nh?p c?a m�nh, tuy nhi�n c�ch s? d?ng chi ti?t th? th�ng minh thu?c ph?m vi c?a m?t b�i vi?t kh�c.

K? d?n b?n t?o m?t thu m?c, l?y t�n l� Toolkit v� d?t t?i g?c ?c ch?ng h?n, trong thu m?c n�y s? ch?a c�c shortcut d?n c�c c�ng c? m� b?n thu?ng xuy�n s? d?ng cho c�ng c? qu?n tr? c?a m�nh nhu b? Microsoft Management Console (xem b�i T?o m?t MMC cho ri�ng b?n), tr�nh di?t virus v� qu�t spyware, c�c c�ng c? sao luu v� ph?c h?i...

C� m?t s? c�ch kh�c nhau d? t?o shortcut cho m?t ?ng d?ng:

- �on gi?n nh?t l� sao ch�p ch�ng t? menu Start (ho?c trong l�c nh?n ph�m Ctrl, n?m k�o ch�ng t? menu Start ra Desktop).

- N?u b?n bi?t v? tr� ch�nh x�c ch?a t?p tin ch?y c?a c�ng c? /?ng d?ng, nh?n chu?t ph?i l�n t?p tin ch?y d� > Create Shortcut > ch�p Shortcut v?a t?o d?n noi c?n thi?t.

- T? Desktop > New Shortcut > trong h?p Create Shortcut nh?n Browse d? d?nh v? d?n t?p tin ch?y c?a c�ng c? /?ng d?ng ho?c nh?p lu�n tr?c ti?p du?ng d?n v�o h?p Type the location of the item. Luu � l� b?n c� th? d�ng k� hi?u thay th? (ch�nh x�c l� c�c bi?n m�i tru?ng) cho c�c thu m?c h? th?ng, ch?ng h?n nhu: %systemroot% d? thay th? cho thu m?c ch?a Windows (C:\Windows ch?ng h?n) > bu?c ti?p theo b?n ch?n m?t t�n g?i nh? cho shortcut n�y (t�n m?c d?nh l� t�n t?p tin ch?y thu?ng kh�ng c� � nghia r� r�ng).

Sau khi d� t?o xong Shortcut c?n thi?t cho c�ng vi?c qu?n tr?, b?n v�o Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Local Users and Groups > nh?p ph?i chu?t l�n Users > New User > nh?p v�o User name c�ng m?t s? th�ng tin kh�c n?u c?n > nh?n Create > nh?n Close d? tho�t. T? nay b?n ch? n�n d�ng t�i kho?n c?p ngu?i d�ng v?a t?o d? l�m vi?c v� d�ng t�nh nang Run as v?i c�c shortcut d? qu?n tr? h? th?ng.



Posted By: DBF
Date Posted: 10 May 2008 at 20:27

Th? thu?t n�y r?t ti?n l?i cho nh?ng ai mu?n remote desktop v? m�y t�nh t?i nh� v� qua m?t firewall. Port m?c d?nh c?a Remote Desktop l� 3389, d? d?i port Remote Desktop b?n l�m nhu sau:

Bu?c 1: V�o Start\Run g� l?nh RegEdit

Bu?c 2: Theo du?ng d?n sau


Sau d� b?m chu?t ph?i ch?n Modify.

Bu?c 4: Chuy?n Hexadecimal th�nh Decimal v� nh?p v�o gi� tr? port m� b?n mu?n d�ng, thu?ng th� c�c firewall t?i m?t s? co quan ch? cho ph�p 80 (http).

Bu?c 5: Sau khi s?a l?i port b?n restart m�y t�nh. Nhu v?y m�y d�ng vai tr� Server d� l?ng nghe tr�n port m?i.

Bu?c 6: M�y client mu?n Remote v�o m�y Server th� c?n ph?i ch?nh d?nh th�m port m?i, v� d?

V�o cmd => netstat d? ki?m tra l?i port d� m?

Luu � n?u b?n mu?n Remote Desktop qua Internet th� c?n ph?i NAT router tru?c nh�

Posted By: DBF
Date Posted: 10 May 2008 at 20:28
C?u h�nh IP trong Windows b?ng command line

- Xem thi?t l?p TCP/IP:
netsh interface ip show config

- xu?t c?u h�nh ra file text:
netsh -c interface dump > c:\file.txt

- Nh?p c?u h�nh t? file txt:
netsh �f c:\file.txt
Ho?c: netsh exec c:\file.txt

- C?u h�nh:
netsh interface ip set address name=�Local Area Connection� static 1

- N?p c?u h�nh d?ng:
netsh interface ip set address �Local Area Connection� dhcp

- C?u h�nh DNS:
netsh interface ip set dns �Local Area Connection� static

- C?u h�nh DNS t? d?ng:
netsh interface ip set dns �Local Area Connection� dhcp

- C?u h�nh WINS:
netsh interface ip set wins �Local Area Connection� static

netsh interface ip set address name=�Local Area Connection� static 1
netsh interface ip set dns �Local Area Connection� static
netsh interface ip set wins �Local Area Connection� static

netsh interface ip set address name=�Local Area Connection� source=static addr= mask=
netsh interface ip set address name=�Local Area Connection� gateway= gwmetric=1
netsh interface ip set dns name=�Local Area Connection� source=static addr= register=PRIMARY
netsh interface ip add dns name=�Local Area Connection� addr= index=2
netsh interface ip set wins name=�Local Area Connection� source=static addr=

set address name=�Local Area Connection� source=dhcp
set dns name=�Local Area Connection� source=dhcp register=PRIMARY
set wins name=�Local Area Connection� source=dhcp

Posted By: Poster
Date Posted: 28 July 2008 at 15:16

C?u h�nh d?a ch? m?ng IP b?ng c�u l?nh MS-DOS

Th�ng thu?ng d? c?u h�nh v� d?t d?a ch? IP cho c�c m�y trong m?ng b?n ch? c?n c?u

h�nh trong Network Connections v� thi?t l?p d?a ch? IP trong giao th?c TCP/IP b?ng

giao di?n Windows. Nay ch�ng t�i gi?i thi?u th�m m?t phuong ph�p c?u h�nh d?a ch?

IP s? d?ng c�u l?nh Command line d�i khi c�ch n�y s? du?c d�ng trong c�c tru?ng

h?p c?n thi?t

�? c?u h�nh d?a ch? IP, DNS, WIN b?ng command line. C�c b?n th?c hi?n c�c bu?c sau:

V�o c?a s? command prompt ( Run--> g� cmd d?i v?i Windows 2000,Xp,2003 ho?c g�

command d?i v?i Windwos 98, Me) g� l?nh:


interface IP

<--Set IP Address-- >

set address name= ``Local Area Connection`` source=dhcp

set address local static


set address name= ``Local Area Connection`` source=dhcp

set address local static

<--Set Preferred DNS Server -- >

set dns name= ``Local Area Connection`` source=dhcp

set DNS Local Area Connection`` static


set dns name= ``Local Area Connection`` source=dhcp

set DNS ``Local Area Connection`` static

<--Set WINS address-- >

set wins name= ``Local Area Connection`` source=dhcp

set wins Local Area Connection`` static


set wins name= ``Local Area Connection`` source=dhcp

set wins ``Local Area Connection`` static

<--De thoat khoi chuong trinh--- >


Ngo�i c�c c?u h�nh co b?n tr�n b?n c� th? tham kh?o th�m c�c t�nh nang sau (B?ng

ti?ng Anh)

Commands inherited from the netsh context:

.. - Goes up one context level.

abort - Discards changes made while in offline mode.

add - Adds a configuration entry to a list of entries.

alias - Adds an alias.

bridge - Changes to the `netsh bridge' context.

bye - Exits the program.

commit - Commits changes made while in offline mode.

delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a list of entries.

diag - Changes to the `netsh diag' context.

exit - Exits the program.

interface - Changes to the `netsh interface' context.

offline - Sets the current mode to offline.

online - Sets the current mode to online.

popd - Pops a context from the stack.

pushd - Pushes current context on stack.

quit - Exits the program.

ras - Changes to the `netsh ras' context.

routing - Changes to the `netsh routing' context.

set - Updates configuration settings.

show - Displays information.

unalias - Deletes an alias.

wins - Changes to the `netsh wins' context.

Commands inherited from the netsh interface context:

add - Adds a configuration entry to a table.

delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a table.

ip - Changes to the `netsh interface ip' context.

reset - Resets information.

set - Sets configuration information.

show - Displays information.

Commands in this context:

? - Displays a list of commands.

add - Adds a configuration entry to a table.

delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a table.

dump - Displays a configuration script.

help - Displays a list of commands.

reset - Resets TCP/IP and related components to a clean state.

set - Sets configuration information.

show - Displays information.

Khi b?n g?p c�c c�u l?nh kh� m� c?n thi?t s? tr? gi�p vui l�ng g� d?u h?i (?) ho?c g� (?/)

c�c c�u l?nh c?n thi?t s? du?c hi?n n�n v� b?n c� th? l�m theo c�c tr? gi�p d

Posted By: Poster
Date Posted: 28 July 2008 at 15:18


Hi?n nay, h?u h?t c�c h? di?u h�nh d?u h? tr? th? t?c IPv6: window, linux, BSD, Solaris, HP-UX. Trong b�i th?c h�nh n�y, ch�ng ta s? ti?n h�nh m?t s? c?u h�nh v� k?t n?i co b?n trong c�c m�y t�nh s? d?ng h? di?u h�nh window 2003, linux.

Th?c h�nh

M?c ti�u: K�ch ho?t th? t?c TCP/IPv6 tr�n H�H window, linux. Th?c hi?n m?t s? thao t�c c?u h�nh k?t n?i.

Chu?n b?: M?ng th?c h�nh du?c thi?t l?p nhu h�nh v? sau. Bao g?m m?t m�y t�nh c�i H�H Window 2003 server, m?t m�y t�nh c�i H�H Linux Enterprise 3.0

Linux`Window 2003 serverIPv4: 2001:dc9::1IPv4: 2001:dc9::2

H�nh 1: M� h�nh m?ng th?c h�nh b�i 1

T�m t?t:

- K�ch ho?t IPv6 protocol tr�n m�y t�nh window 2003, linux, router Cisco

- Quan s�t m?t s? th�ng tin c?u h�nh.

- Th?c t?p m?t s? l?nh: G�n d?a ch? b?ng tay, ki?m tra k?t n?i b?ng d?a ch? IPv6, xo� d?a ch?

C�c bu?c th?c hi?n:

  1. I. Tr�n m�y t�nh c�i H�H window server 2003.

M?i l?nh giao ti?p du?c th?c hi?n trong c?a s? l?nh : Ch?n Run, g� CMD v� nh?n Enter.

  1. 1. Quan s�t c?u h�nh khi chua k�ch ho?t IPv6 protocol


K?t qu?: ch? c� nh?ng th�ng tin li�n quan IPv4 hi?n l�n.

  1. 2. K�ch ho?t th? t?c IPv6.

netsh interface ipv6 install

Ch� �: G� c? d�ng l?nh trong c?a s? cmd. L?nh n�y s? ti?n h�nh c�i d?t IPv6 protocol tr�n H�H window 2003 server.

  1. 3. Quan s�t l?i th�ng tin c?u h�nh

Th? t?c IPv6 tr�n H�H du?c k�ch ho?t c�ng v?i m?t s? c?u h�nh m?c d?nh. Ch�ng ta s? ti?n h�nh quan s�t th�ng tin c?u h�nh, ghi l?i v� xem m?t s? th�ng tin m?c d?nh b?ng c�c l?nh sau:

ipconfig (/all)

K?t qu?: Quan s�t th?y th�ng tin v? d?a ch? IPv6.

Ghi l?i d?a ch? IPv6 xu?t ra m�n h�nh:

�?a ch? b?t d?u b?i ti?n t? FE80 l� d?a ch? link-local d� du?c t? d?ng c?u h�nh t? d?a ch? MAC c?a card m?ng. Ch�ng ta s? t�m hi?u c�ch th?c t? d?ng t?o d?a ch? n�y trong ph?n sau.

Th?c hi?n c�c l?nh sau:

netsh> interface ipv6>

show interface

# Hi?n th? nh?ng giao di?n t?o n�n b?i IPv6 protocol

show interface "Local Area Connection"

# Hi?n th? th�ng tin c?a giao di?n v?t l�

show interface "6to4 Pseudo-Interface"

# Hi?n th? th�ng tin c?a giao di?n ?o d�nh cho 6to4 tunnel

show routes

# Hi?n th? tuy?n du?c t?o m?c d?nh.

Khi IPv6 protocol du?c k�ch ho?t, H�H window s? t? d?ng t?o nhi?u giao di?n, trong d� c� nh?ng giao di?n th?c v?t l� (Local Area Connection) c?a card m?ng, c� nh?ng giao di?n ?o, v� d? "6to4 Pseudo-Interface" l� giao di?n ?o du?c window t? d?ng c?u h�nh cho c�ng ngh? tunnel 6to4 n?u card m?ng c?a m�y c� g?n s?n m?t d?a ch? IPv4 to�n c?u.

M?i giao di?n n�y du?c d?nh danh b?ng m?t s? index duy nh?t. Ngu?i s? d?ng c� th? d�ng l?nh t?o th�m nh?ng giao di?n kh�c.

Ghi l?i m?t s? th�ng tin c?u h�nh sau:

  1. ? Giao di?n t?o ra khi k�ch ho?t ipv6 protocol v� c�c index c?a c�c giao di?n d�
  2. ? Th�ng tin v? giao di?n v?t l� - Local Area Connection
    1. ? �?a ch? ipv6 tr�n giao di?n:
  3. ? Giao di?n ?o d�ng cho 6to4 tunnel
    1. ? �?a ch? ipv6 tr�n giao di?n
    2. ? �?a ch? ipv6 c?a gateway
  4. ? C�c route du?c t?o m?c d?nh

Prefix Idx Gateway/Interface

  1. 4. C?u h�nh b?ng tay d?a ch? IPv6 cho giao di?n card m?ng

G�n d?a ch? IPv6 to�n c?u cho giao di?n card m?ng

netsh>interface ipv6>

add address "Local Area Connection" 2001:dc9::1

  1. 5. Ki?m tra l?i th�ng tin c?u h�nh

ipconfig "Local Area Connection"

ipconfig /all

B?n s? quan s�t th?y tr�n giao di?n v?t l�, c� th�ng tin v? d?a ch? IPv6 b?n v?a g?n b?ng tay.

�?nh danh giao di?n c?a d?a ch? IPv6 c� th? t? d?ng t?o t? d?a ch? MAC ho?c nh?n d�y s? ng?u nhi�n. Khi k�ch ho?t IPv6 protocol tr�n H�H Window, c�ch th?c t?o d?a ch? t? d?ng b?ng c�ch nh?n d�y s? ng?u nhi�n l�m d?nh danh giao di?n du?c m?c d?nh k�ch ho?t. N?u mu?n t?t ch?c nang n�y, ta s? d?ng l?nh sau:

netsh>interface ipv6>

set privacy state=disabled store=persistent

Khi chua t?t ch?c nang tr�n, n?u l�c n�y trong m?ng LAN c� router qu?ng b� th�ng tin prefix, m�y t�nh window c?a b?n s? d?ng th?i c� ba d?a ch? IPv6:

- �?a ch? IPv6 g?n b?ng tay

- �?a ch? IPv6 t? d?ng t?o t? prefix qu?ng b� c?a router v� d?a ch? MAC

- �?a ch? IPv6 t? prefix v� 64 b�t d?nh danh giao di?n ng?u nhi�n, thay d?i theo kho?ng th?i gian nh?t d?nh.

  1. II. Tr�n m�y t�nh c�i H�H linux
  2. 6. Quan s�t c?u h�nh khi chua k�ch ho?t IPv6 protocol


K?t qu?: ch? c� nh?ng th�ng tin li�n quan IPv4 hi?n l�n.

  1. 7. K�ch ho?t th? t?c IPv6.

modprobe ipv6

lsmod | grep -w 'ipv6' && echo "load thanh cong modul thuc thi ipv6"

N?u k?t qu? l?nh xu?t ra d�ng ch? "load thanh cong modul thuc thi ipv6", t?c module th?c thi IPv6 d� du?c load l�n th�nh c�ng.

  1. 8. Quan s�t l?i th�ng tin c?u h�nh


B?n s? quan s�t th?y th�ng tin v? d?a ch? IPv6 link-local d� t? d?ng du?c t?o ra. H�H linux kh�ng t? d?ng t?o giao di?n ?o cho tunnel 6to4 nhu window.

Ghi l?i d?a ch? IPv6 link-local tr�n giao di?n card m?ng:

Th?c hi?n c�c l?nh:

ifconfig eth0 # Hi?n th? th�ng tin v? giao di?n eth0

ip -6 route show dev eth0 # Hi?n th? th�ng tin v? c�c route t?o ra cho giao di?n eth0

ip -6 neigh show dev eth0 # Hi?n th? th�ng tin v? c�c node IPv6 l�n c?n

  1. 9. C?u h�nh b?ng tay d?a ch? IPv6 cho giao di?n card m?ng

ifconfig eth0 inet6 add 2001:dc9::2/64

  1. 10. Ki?m tra l?i th�ng tin c?u h�nh


ifconfig eth0

  1. III. Ki?m tra k?t n?i b?ng d?a ch? IPv6 trong m?ng LAN
  2. 11. Quan s�t trao d?i th�ng tin gi?a hai m�y:

Tr�n m�y t�nh c�i H�H Linux, b?t ri�ng m?t c?a s? l?nh v� s? d?ng tcpdump d? theo d�i giao ti?p gi?a hai m�y:

tcpdump -t -n -i eth0 -s 512 -vv ip6 or proto ipv6

  1. 12. Ki?m tra k?t n?i b?ng d?a ch? link-local
  2. ? Tr�n m�y window:

Ping6 -t d?a_ch?_link-local_c?a_m�y-window%index_c?a_giao_di?n-v?t_l�

Ping6 -t d?a_ch?_link-local_c?a_m�y-linux%index_c?a_giao_di?n-v?t_l�

Ch� �: Khi ping d?a ch? link-local, ph?i x�c d?nh ch? m?c c?a giao di?n. Trong H�H Window, ch? m?c du?c x�c d?nh b?ng c�ch d?t sau d?u %

  1. ? Tr�n m�y linux:

ping6 -I eth0 d?a_ch?_link-local_c?a_m�y-linux

ping6 -I eth0 d?a_ch?_link-local_c?a_m�y-window

Ch� �: Khi ping d?a ch? link-local, ph?i x�c d?nh giao di?n (b?ng c? -I).

  1. 13. Ki?m tra k?t n?i b?ng d?a ch? to�n c?u d� g�n b?ng tay:
  2. ? Tr�n m�y window:

Ping6 -t 2001:dc9::1

Ping6 -t 2001:dc9::2

  1. ? Tr�n m�y linux:

Ping6 2001:dc9::2

Ping6 2001:dc9::1

B?ng c?a s? quan s�t trao d?i gi?a hai m�y t�nh "tcpdump", b?n c� th? quan s�t th?y trao d?i th�ng tin gi?a hai m�y t�nh.

  1. IV. Xo� d?a ch? g?n b?ng tay v� g? b? IPv6 protocol.
  2. 14. Tr�n m�y window:

Xo� d?a ch? d� g�n b?ng tay:

netsh>interface ipv6>

delete address "Local Area Connection" 2001:dc9::1

G? b? IPv6 protocol


  1. 15. Tr�n m�y linux:

Xo� d?a ch? d� g�n b?ng tay:

ifconfig eth0 inet6 del 2001:dc9::2

  1. V. B? sung

Modul th?c thi IPv6 protocol tr�n H�H Linux kh�ng du?c t? d?ng load l�n khi m�y t�nh kh?i d?ng. �?a ch? IPv6 d� g?n b?ng tay s? b? x�a di sau khi m�y linux kh?i d?ng l?i. �? load modul th?c thi IPv6 khi kh?i d?ng l?i m�y v� d?a ch? IPv6 d� g?n b?ng tay kh�ng b? x�a di m?i khi kh?i d?ng l?i m�y, ch�ng ta c?n tr?c ti?p th�m th�ng tin v�o c�c file c?u h�nh m?ng nhu sau:

  1. 16. C?u h�nh d? load IPv6 modul t? d?ng

Ki?m tra thu vi?n script IPv6 t?n t?i:

Ki?m tra c� t?n t?i file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions-ipv6

Ho?c test b?ng l?nh:

test -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions-ipv6 && echo "C� thu vien IPv6 script"

S?a d?i file c?u h�nh m?ng

D�ng vi th�m d�ng "NETWORKING_IPV6=yes" v�o file /etc/sysconfig/network.

  1. 17. C?u h�nh vinh vi?n d?a ch? IPv6

S?a d?i file c?u h�nh giao di?n

D�ng vi s?a d?i file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, th�m nh?ng d�ng th�ng tin sau v�o file:



Posted By: administrator
Date Posted: 16 October 2008 at 21:16

I�ve always had a liking for homes built of brick. Besides having a kind of �Lord of the Manor� appeal, they also look solidly built compared to many of today�s wood-framed plastic-siding homes. Brick also gives an added sense of security since, who�s going to smash through a brick wall to break into your house?

But then I wonder, wouldn�t your home be even more secure if all the rooms had brick walls and not just the exterior wall of your house? After all, drywall is so fragile you can punch through it if you get really angry (and don�t mind a bit of pain) so it seems like a good idea to make the internal walls brick also. That way if someone breaks into your house they still have to break into each individual room to find the safe where you keep your jewels.

Many corporate networks are just like this today�instead of relying only on a firewall at the perimeter (outside wall) of the network, there are firewalls installed on individual clients and servers (rooms) also to act as another layer of defense against attack. And on networks that run Windows XP on the clients and Windows Server 2003 on the servers, there�s a ready candidate for which host-based firewall to use: Windows Firewall. After all, it�s free!

Unfortunately having firewalls on clients and servers means extra management work as well, but Group Policy can handle that as far as Windows Firewall is concerned (another great reason for deploying Windows Firewall on hosts instead of third-party firewalls from other vendors). Still, there are times when you want to check or modify the configuration of Windows Firewall on some hosts because of problems of some sort, and the command-line tool Netsh.exe is just the thing to do this with.

Get It Working

Let�s say Bob sets up a Windows Server 2003 SP1 machine as a web and file server for internal use in his company. Knowing that the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing service is disabled by default, he opens the Services console under Administrative Tools and changes the Startup Type for this service to Automatic and then starts the service. So far, so good, but if he had tried opening the Windows Firewall utility from Control Panel he would have been presented with a message asking him whether he wanted to start this service and pointing out that he should reboot his server afterwards to make sure Windows Firewall recognizes that the server is listening for inbound traffic from file and web clients.

Anyway, Bob now wants to enable and configure Windows Firewall on the server but is suddenly called away on an emergency. He sends a quick email to his assistant Mary using his BlackBerry saying �Enable firewall on server so clients can access it�get it working� and walks out the door. Unfortunately his assistant is working from home today but Bob remembered to enable Remote Desktop on the new server, so Mary starts Remote Desktop Connection on her Windows XP SP2 computer and the console of the remote server is displayed.

Now what? Mary could open Control Panel on the remote machine and enable Windows Firewall, but what exceptions does she need to configure on it? Bob was obviously in a hurry when he said �so clients can access it� but what clients? And it�s obviously important because he wants it done today.

Rather than hunt around the Services console looking for additional services that Bob might have enabled on the machine, Mary decides to open a command prompt on the remote machine and pursue a different tack. She starts by typing the following command:

netstat �ano > netstat.txt
notepad netstat.txt

She then examines the contents of the netstat.txt file that opens in Notepad:

Active Connections 

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID
  TCP                 LISTENING       1664
  TCP                LISTENING       696
  TCP                LISTENING       4
  TCP               LISTENING       1000
  TCP               LISTENING       436
  TCP               LISTENING       1220
  TCP               LISTENING       1780
  TCP              LISTENING       1856
  TCP              LISTENING       4
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP     ESTABLISHED     436
  TCP     TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      ESTABLISHED     436
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP      TIME_WAIT       0

Right away it looks to her from this file that the server has the HTTP service installed on it since the machine is listening on TCP port 80. Better check though and make sure this service is actually the one using this port. How does she do this? First she notes the process ID (PID) number associated with these ports which is 1664. Then She types the following commands at the command prompt:

tasklist /svc > svclist.txt
notepad svclist.txt

She then examines the contents of the svclist.txt file, which look like this:

Image Name                     PID Services                                   
========================= ======== ============================================
System Idle Process              0 N/A                                        
System                           4 N/A                                         
smss.exe                       260 N/A                                        
csrss.exe                      348 N/A                                        
winlogon.exe                   380 N/A                                         
services.exe                   424 Eventlog, PlugPlay                         
lsass.exe                      436 HTTPFilter, Netlogon, PolicyAgent,          
                                   ProtectedStorage, SamSs                     
svchost.exe                    644 DcomLaunch                                 
svchost.exe                    696 RpcSs                                      
svchost.exe                    748 Dhcp, Dnscache                             
svchost.exe                    796 LmHosts, W32Time                           
svchost.exe                    812 AeLookupSvc, Browser, CryptSvc, dmserver,   
                                   EventSystem, helpsvc, lanmanserver,         
                                   lanmanworkstation, Netman, Nla, Schedule,   
                                   seclogon, SENS, SharedAccess,               
                                   ShellHWDetection, TrkWks, winmgmt,          
                                   wuauserv, WZCSVC                           
spoolsv.exe                    976 Spooler                                    
msdtc.exe                     1000 MSDTC                                      
vmsrvc.exe                    1120 1-vmsrvc                                    
svchost.exe                   1144 ERSvc                                      
inetinfo.exe                  1220 IISADMIN
svchost.exe                   1288 RemoteRegistry                             
svchost.exe                   1312 SrmSvc                                     
vpcmap.exe                    1420 VPCMap                                     
svchost.exe                   1664 W3SVC                                      
svchost.exe                   1780 TermService                                
alg.exe                       1856 ALG                                        
explorer.exe                   972 N/A                                        
vmusrvc.exe                   1412 N/A                                         
wuauclt.exe                   2120 N/A                                        
csrss.exe                     2176 N/A                                        
winlogon.exe                  2204 N/A                                         
rdpclip.exe                   2452 N/A                                        
explorer.exe                  2556 N/A                                        
wmiprvse.exe                  2564 N/A                                        
vmusrvc.exe                   2648 N/A                                        
cmd.exe                       2724 N/A                                        
tasklist.exe                  2964 N/A                                        
wmiprvse.exe                  2988 N/A                                        

She examines this file looking for the the PID noted previously and finds this line:

svchost.exe                   1664 W3SVC                                      

This line confirms to her that Bob installed IIS on the server and configured it to run as a web server.

Now Mary has to enable Windows Firewall on the machine and create an exception for HTTP clients to access it. Since she�s already at the command-line on the remote machine, she decides to do this using the Netsh command. First, she views the configuration of Windows Firewall on the server:

C:\>netsh firewall show opmode 

Domain profile configuration (current):
Operational mode                  = Disable
Exception mode                    = Enable 

Standard profile configuration:
Operational mode                  = Disable
Exception mode                    = Enable 

Local Area Connection firewall configuration:
Operational mode                  = Enable

From this command output she confirms that Windows Firewall is currently disabled and needs to be enabled. To do this, Mary types the following command:

C:\>netsh firewall set opmode enable

Now she adds a port exception for the HTTP service:

C:\>netsh firewall add portopening TCP 80 HTTP enable subnet

To test this, she temporarily minimizes her Remote Desktop Connection window and opens Internet Explorer and types in the address bar, and here�s what she gets in response (Figure 1):

Figure 1: Accessing the server using HTTP

That sounds like Bob! Always playing the �heavy� as far as his role as administrator is concerned.

Now let�s see what else is running on the server. Mary goes back to the netstat.txt file shown previously and finds the following lines of interest:

  TCP                LISTENING       4
  TCP              LISTENING       4

This is a sure giveaway that the server is configured as a file server with shared folders on it for these two ports (and two others listed below) are used by Server Message Block (SMB) protocol (Microsoft�s file sharing protocol) as follows:

  • UDP port 137 is the listening port for the NETBIOS Name Service   
  • UDP port 138 is the listening port for the NETBIOS Datagram Service
  • TCP port 139 is the listening port for the NETBIOS Session Service
  • TCP port 445 is the listening port for SMB over TCP/IP

In other words, the first three ports are for SMB over NBT (NETBIOS over TCP/IP) and the last one (new in Windows 2000 and later) is for SMB directly over TCP/IP.

So to access the remote server as a file server, exceptions have to be created for these four ports in Windows Firewall. To do this, Mary types the following commands in the command prompt window open on the remote machine�s desktop:

netsh firewall add portopening UDP 137 blah enable subnet
netsh firewall add portopening UDP 138 blah enable subnet
netsh firewall add portopening TCP 139 blah enable subnet
netsh firewall add portopening TCP 445 blah enable subnet

What�s cool about this approach is that if she opens Windows Firewall from Control Panel on the remote machine�s desktop, it displays the File and Printer Sharing exception as enabled (Figure 2):

Figure 2: File and Printer Sharing is enabled on the server

Mary should then be able to display the shared folders on the remote server simply by clicking Start, then Run and typing \\ and clicking OK.

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